Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Quilt Market 2015

Well, we made it into Minneapolis safe and sound. Pat from Robin Place Fabrics, myself and our new companion, Chappy. On our Seattle layover, Pat and I discovered this wonderful shop called 'Fireworks', it had a window full of baby things and since we are both grandmas with expecting daughters, we went in. There we found a display by 'Bunnies by the Bay' and I was totally in love. My daughter Sarah is expecting my 4th grandchild and my first granddaughter. So, as my husband stated when we learned she was having a girl, 'let the buying begin!', and so we have! The selection of beautiful stuffed bunnies and friends was delightful, but Chappy stole my heart. His full name is Eidas Chappell, in honor of my soon to be born granddaughter Sadie Chappell. I know I can't wait to meet her and Chappy agrees.

But.....while we wait for Sadie, we are having our adventure. Chappy is the guest for both Robin Place Fabrics and Stitches From Heaven and so far he seems to be loving it! I have to tell you, he even went on his own mini adventure yesterday, scary for us but he was thrilled. We took a wonderful shuttle service from the airport to the hotel, however when we got to the hotel, someone, that would be me, in the rush of getting all the luggage out of the shuttle forgot her little charge, Chappy, and left him sitting in the van. While we were panicked, Chappy was having fun. He traveled quite a lot of the city and met many wonderful people. When he returned to the airport, the shuttle service set him up on the next shuttle out to us. Whew, they were wonderful and he had so much fun.
Today it's off on a wonderful quilt tour, I see  a lot more adventures for all of us, watch my Facebook, Twitter and blog posts for more updates. You can also follow at

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